Kolkata Traffic Police E-Challan Fine List 2018

6 minute read

Kolkata Traffic Police E-Challan Fine List 2018

In this article, we will give the instruction of how to pay Kolkata Traffic Police E- Challan Fine List Online Payment on Kolkata traffic police official website. http://www.kolkatatrafficpolice.gov.in. Kolkata police provide the best services to vehicle riders to pay online payment of fines. Kolkata traffic police set the charges for those who break the traffic rules.

Kolkata Traffic Police E- Challan Fine List Online Payment

Kolkata Traffic Police E- Challan system now available in two methods online and offline. Kolkata traffic police have made the framework to give the online perspective of the traffic fines or case check framework and to pay it on the web. The online payment system is very easy, You will be able to do this easily after reading this post.

Kolkata Traffic Police E- Challan Rate List

Kolkata Traffic Police Challan 2018

01.Driving vehicle without D/L3(1)181
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
02.Age limit to drive motor vehicles:- At the prescribed age(16 years M/C-50CC, other than transport vehicle-18 years, transport vehicles-20 years)4181
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
03.Owner allowing others to Drive the Vehicle without proper Driving Licence.5180
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 1000/-
04.Disqualified a Person from holding or obtaining a Driving Licence.19182(1)
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
05.Driving Vehicles without Registration or in contravention of the condition of Blue Book39192
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 10000/-
06.Driving Vehicles without Certificate of Fitness or invalid C.F.56192
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 10000/-
07.Driving Vehicles without permit or in contravention of the condition of permit66192(A)
Issue Seizure List
08.Allowing any person to stand or sit or to place anything in such a manner or position as to hamper the driver in his control of the vehicle.125177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
09.Driving vehicle at excessive speed112183(1)
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 1000/-
10.Owner causing to drive in contravention of speed limit112

Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
11.Driving vehicle exceeding permissible limit of laden weight113194(1)
Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 5000/-
12.Driving vehicles in violation of restriction (No Entry Violation)115194(1)
Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 5000/-
13.Driving vehicles in violation of Mandatory Traffic Signs119177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
14.Leaving vehicle in such a position so as to cause or likely to cause danger, obstruction or the tender in convenience to any road user.122177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
15.Allowing the vehicle to remain stationary at Public Place.126177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
16.Non-Production of Driving License on demand by a Police Officer in uniform130(I)177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
17.Failure to take certain precautions at unguarded level crossings131177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
18.Failure to stop the vehicle when asked by a Police Officer in uniform when the vehicle is involved in an accident.132187
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 1000/-
19.Medical Aid to victim134(a)187
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 1000/-
20.Driver to give information about Road Accident.134(b)187
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 1000/-
21.Driver to give information to the insurer about Accident134(c)187
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 1000/-
22.Not insuring the vehicle against 3rd Party / or for driving uninsured vehicle.146196
Rs. 400/-
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 1000/-
23.Non-Production of Registration Certificates, Insurance Certificates, Permit etc. by the Driver of trampest vehicle (In case of other vehicles 15 days time for production should be given as per Provision of Central Motor Vehicle Rules-139158(1)177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
24.Non-Production of Insurance Certificate (7 days time should be given for such documents.158(1)177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
25.Disobedience of order and obstructions.179(1)-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
26.Withholding information or giving false information.179(2)-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
27.No. of person allowed to be carried in goods vehicles (i) Light goods vehicles gross weight less than 1000 Kg – One Person (ii) Other light goods vehicles – three persons (iii) Goods vehicles other light goods vehicles – Seven Persons.180(2)
177 MVA
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
28.Carriage of animals other than the trampest vehicle so specified.181
177 MVA
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
29.Driving vehicles dangerously.184

Rs. 1000/-

Rs. 2000/-

Rs. 2000/-

Rs. 2000/-

30.Driving vehicle by a drunken person or by a person under influence of drugs.185185
Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 3000/-
31.Driving when mentally or physically unfit to drive.186186
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
32.Taking part in race or trial of speed of any kind between Motor vehicles at any Public Place.189189
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
33.Using vehicle in unsafe condition.190(1)190(1)
Rs. 250/-
In case causes any injury or damage to property
Rs. 1000/-
34.Violation of Standards Prescribed for Road Safety, control of Noise & Air Pollution.190(2)190(2)
Rs. 1000/-
Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 2000/-
Rs. 2000/-
35.Carriage of Goods which are dangerous or hazardous to human life in violation of prescribed conditions.190(3)190(3)
Rs. 3000/-
Rs. 5000/-
36.Sale of vehicles in or alternation of vehicle to condition contravening this Act.191191
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
37.Taking & driving vehicle without consent of owner or lawful authority.197(1)197(1)
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Ra. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
38.Exercising Control of a vehicle unlawfully by force or threat of force or by any other form of intimiditation.197(2)197(2)
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
39.Attempt and abetment of Section 197(I) & 197(2)197(3)197(I)/197(2)
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
Rs. 500/-
40.Unauthorized interference with vehicle198198
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 100/-
41.Penalty for causing obstructions to traffic by keeping disabled vehicle(Wheel Camp Case)127 (1) MVA/ 350 WBMVR201(1)
Rs. 50/- per hour.
42.Power of Police Officer to detain vehicle without Certificate of Registration , Permit etc.20739/192/66/192(A)
Rs. 5000/-

Rs. 10000/-

Rs. 10000/-

Rs. 10000/-

43.Power of arrest by Police Officer without warrant.202U/s-184,185 & 197 MVA.
44.Driving on Foot Path.291 WBMVR.177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
45.Prohibition in Playing of radios etc. in a motor vehicle.218(I)177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
46.Use of Ear Phone / Mobile Phone while driving.218(2)
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
47.For display video set, Audio Device in Tourist bus, Luxury Coach etc RTA’s Permit is necessary and there should be permitted in between the driver Cabin & passenger’s compartment for that.218(6)177
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
48.Using Motor Vehicles with defective Number PlatesCMVR- 50(I)177 MV Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
49.Regn. Mark shall be in English letters and Arabic numeralsCMVR – 50(2d)177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
50.Non Exhibition of Registration Marks at rear number plate (Trailer)CMVR – 50(2)(a)177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
51.Driving Motor Vehicle with defective TyresCMVR- 94(2)190(1) MVA
Rs. 250/-
Rs. 1000/-
52.The glass of the wind-screen and rear window of motor vehicle shall allow visual transmission of light not less then 70% and glasses of side window shall be such that the visual transmission of light is not less than 50%.CMVR-100(2)/52 MVA/39 MVA192 M V Act
Rs. 5000/-
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 10000/-
Rs. 10000/-
53.Vehicle not fitted with wiper or wiper not maintained in good working condition.CMVR-101(1)177 M.V.Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
54.Vehicle not fitted with horn119(1) CMVR177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
55.Vehicle fitted multi-tuned or other harsh shrill sounding horns119(2) CMVR177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
56.Refusing to go on hire120 (c) WBMVR
23(i) WBMVR
177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
57.Failure to proceed to the destination by shortest or quickest route23(ii) WBMVR177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
58.Vehicle not fitted with seat belt125(a) 138(3)CMVR177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
59.Not wearing seat belt138(3) CMVR177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
60.Vehicle not fitted with rear view mirror217 WBMVR177 M V Act
Rs. 100/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-
Rs. 300/-

Full list of challan list check here

Kolkata Traffic Police E- Challan Online Payment

Instructions to Pay Kolkata Traffic Police E- Challan Online Payment
  1. Firstly visit the Kolkata Traffic Police official website - https://kolkatatrafficpolice.net.
  2. You can visit this portal from here - https://kolkatatrafficpolice.net
  3. Now fill the required details like as Vehicle No., Chassis No.(Last 5 char), Email ID (to get email confirmation) and Mobile No.
  4. After filling all data carefully click on "GET OTP" Button.
  5. Click on the submit button and you can see the fines or case details. If you have entered the correct email and mobile number then you will also get the details through email or SMS will come to Mobile phone
  6. You will receive an OTP no in your mobile inbox.
  7. Now fill the OTP no in OTP caption.
  8. Now you will also get the option to pay Kolkata traffic fine online through Net banking
  9. Once the payment is made you get the SMS and email that you had entered earlier.
By following the above steps you can easily  Online Payment of Kolkata Traffic Police E- Challan.

Mobile no of Kolkata Traffic
+91- 9163360406
+91- 9163360404
+91- 98308-11111
+91- 98300-10000

E-mail ID of  Kolkata Traffic Police 

Land Line No. Of  Kolkata Traffic Police 

Kolkata traffic police case challan

Kolkata Traffic Police Authority has especially said on their site the measures to check activity police fines, their legitimacy, and validity. What's more, you can hold up your dissents on the web and get changed in perfect time.

This measure not simply grows settlement for the vehicle drivers and furthermore checks and controls corruption in a manner of speaking. This is a better than average movement by Kolkata activity police and will improve the activity structure in Kolkata and will moreover deliver the bundle of care.

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